
The Softest Field of Flowers | Original Floral Oil Painting

Oil on Canvas + Frame options below

Original Size: 8 X 6 Inches

Approach: Alla Prima Impressionism

A beautiful depiction of the softest field of flowers I have ever had the luck to walk through. Painting this piece felt much like creating the field as nature would have. I was dancing around the canvas with blues, greens, pinks, jumping from here to there, building, covering, exploring. And when I finally came out of my play with oil and value, the floral piece harmonized so well together that I could not be happier with the painting I get to share with you all.

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The Softest Field of Flowers | Original Floral Oil Painting

Spring Flower Field Oil Painting Andrew Gaia

Spring Flower Field Oil Painting Andrew Gaia

A beautiful depiction of the softest field of flowers I have ever had the luck to walk through. How on earth does nature create such a wonderful blend of life and color. You would think that one flower or grass would overwhelm the field and take over, yet instead, it perfectly harmonized to work together to cultivate as much life as possible.

Then in being an artist, I am blessed enough to take what the universe has laid before me and translate into a work of art that anyone can appreciate and use for their own joy. In this floral landscape I dove deep into the grasses to feel like I am part of the variation of flowers growing in the world. In this way we see much more then blue, red, orange and pink flowers, but a field of life and growth. A collection of differences working perfectly to harmonize and draw in the most good for all.

Painting this piece felt much like creating the field as nature would have. I was dancing around the canvas with blues, greens, pinks, jumping from here to there, building, covering, exploring. And when I finally came out of my play with oil and value, the floral piece harmonized so well together that I could not be happier with the painting I get to share with you all.

A perfect piece to bring peace, and one that will be hanging on my wall right above my computer until someone snags it away. I just love how soothing this piece is to my soul and I hope whoever takes home the original or a print will feel the same.

Technical Specs:

Medium: Oil Paint

Surface: Canvas

Size: 8 X 6 Inches

Frame: 1 5/8 Deep Black Gallery Frame

(3 in. Solid Wood White/Gold/Black/Mahogany/Silver also available, contact before purchasing

Approach: Alla Prima

Andrew Gaia is a Fine Artist and Illustrator from the great forest state of Pennsylvania. From an early childhood, nature and the world around him, inspired the artist to see and appreciate things in a unique way. As he developed his Artistic and Oil Painting abilities, it became clear that his way of viewing the world was different then those around him. Being able to see the entire universe in a single moment, drove so much passion and appreciation for this world, that Andrew Knew he had to share it. So, with an array of creative and visual abilities, and multiple decades of dedication and education, he paints.

Andrew captures moments, feelings, life.... in original paintings for all to draw power from. Look within the layers of paint, the expression of color, and dance of light and be teleported to a place so expansive, that time stands still. "Let my work draw out the life, love, peace, and tranquility that we all need.... and all have within us."

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 6 in


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