Christopher Daring Cover 1 – Fantasy Book Illustration Insights

Christopher Daring Cover 1 – Fantasy Book Illustration Insights

Christopher Daring Cover 1 Creating the illustration of Christopher Daring Cover 1: Spirits of the Dead for author Stephen Willis was a great experience. And with the book and new designs now available Spirits of the Dead: A Supernatural Adventure (The Christopher...
Utilize Side Projects for Growth

Utilize Side Projects for Growth

As creative individuals we find ourselves wanting to work in one or a few different fields of study. But, quite often, we end up working on a wide range of side projects that may have little or nothing to do with our personal growth. When I first began my freelance...
Treating Clients Well | Real Value

Treating Clients Well | Real Value

Working with art clients can be fun, but scary. As creatives we come across quite a few different personalities through our work. Whether you are a freelance designer or work in a studio, we all meet with people regularly in one way or another. But even though our...
Being Motivated by Your Past

Being Motivated by Your Past

Many of us have dreams, inspirations and loves in our current lives that have built off all the we experienced. These resources often give us enough to come up with new ideas and push us into new imaginative directions. But what about the loves of your childhood past....
More Old Art Retired to the Vault

More Old Art Retired to the Vault

Ahh yes progress is nice, but it is so sad to see some old friends go. All the hours spent were not wasted though. Here is some old art retired to make room for new. Art is a fluid process much like a river and through time the pieces of our past go downstream paving...