
Sky Landscape | Another Day Closes | Oil Painting Original

Oil on Canvas + Frame options below

Original Size: 8 X 6 Inches

Approach: Alla Prima Impressionism

I just love painting scenes that remind us of those special moments in life that pop up and go, in an instant, but hold our hearts for days. The rainbow of color, the reflection of light, the sun peeking out from behind the landscape. It’s all so magical, and you turn for one last moment. You see the red light bounce off the surrounding buildings for one last time. And with that deep breath of appreciation, you know it’s all worth it because you are connected with beauty and those you love no matter what.

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Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $120.00.

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Sky Landscape Another Day Closes Oil Painting Original Andrew Gaia

Sky Landscape Another Day Closes Oil Painting Original Andrew Gaia

This brilliantly colorful sky oil painting reminds me so much of those wonderful days where you step out of work just as the sky presents you with a spectacular rainbow light show. The day may be long, the work hard, but when you see a sight like this, you know you are going to have a wonderful night with those you love.

I just love painting scenes that remind us of those special moments in life that pop up and go, in an instant, but hold our hearts for days. The rainbow of color, the reflection of light, the sun peeking out from behind the landscape. It's all so magical, and you turn for one last moment. You see the red light bounce off the surrounding buildings for one last time. And with that deep breath of appreciation, you know it's all worth it because you are connected with beauty and those you love no matter what.

Technical Specs:

Medium: Oil Paint

Surface: Canvas

Size: 8 X 6 Inches

Frame: 1 5/8 Deep Black Gallery Frame

(3 in. Solid Wood White/Gold/Black/Mahogany/Silver also available, contact before purchasing

Approach: Alla Prima


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