Ocean Dusk | The Floating Mangrove | Oil Painting Sky Sunset Canvas Print

Original framed canvas print by oil painter Andrew Gaia. Artwork that captures the sunset over a natural preserve in the Caribbean sea. The warm orange sun peaks through the clouds as a small isolated mangrove sits atop the seascape. Radiant natural light and color bounces from top to bottom, holding within it, the ability to bring that brilliance to your home or personal space.

Our canvas is made from a finely textured artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces image details with outstanding clarity and detail.

.: 100% Cotton fabric
.: Poplar wood frame
.: High image quality and detail
.: For indoor use


Ocean Dusk Floating Mangrove Mock 2 Andrew Gaia oil painting

Ocean Dusk Floating Mangrove Mock 2 Andrew Gaia oil painting

A floating mangrove ripples across the ocean at dusk in this glowing sunset landscape art. I have said it many times before, but I just love clouds and skies. Something about their ever changing form and color, yet always harmonious nature, appeals to me more than anything. Perhaps it is because it is a connection between all life, one that we all look to at times. And I want nothing more than to bridge that connection with my oil paintings.

And in this particular sky oil piece, I was able to break free of my own usual choices when painting skies. I tapped into a new color blend that brings more softness and grace to the fire sunset. Then when I combined it with a multitude of greens, yellows and blues within the sky, a depth was reached that seems to pull at my heart to be calm and feel love.

I know it may seem cheesy to some, but painting has always been about feeling for me. And this piece... well... it brings out how I want to feel inside. Life just keeps coming at us and we don't always get to escape into our favorite places or activities to get away. But with the right art, we can inspire and inner travel, not only to the place, but to the feeling we want.

May this floating mangrove, soaking in the ocean sun, take you to the feeling you want to experience. A feeling that can never be taken from you no matter where you are.

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