Dappling Mountain Forest Stream | Oil Painting Landscape Print

Original framed canvas print by oil painter Andrew Gaia. Let this artwork take you deep into the forest to uncover this hidden stream. Layers of warm red and orange fallen leaves, pave the way for the deep blue water and green mosses found around this location. A wondrous painting that can remind anyone who gazes upon it in their home to enjoy the surprises and wonder in life around them. Be transported to your own secret forest spot and tap into that peace when you need it.

Our canvas is made from a finely textured artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces image details with outstanding clarity and detail.

.: 100% Cotton fabric
.: Poplar wood frame
.: High image quality and detail
.: For indoor use


Dappling Forest Stream Mountain Oil PAinting Andrew Gaia mock 2

Dappling Forest Stream Mountain Oil PAinting Andrew Gaia mock 2

I just love the way oil paint can capture the myriad of colors that emerge from nature. Being able to layer my paints across the canvas landscape, I feel like I am a part of light, reflecting color back into the world. In this forest landscape scene, I was so lucky to capture this dappling light onto a mountain stream. Between the red rotting leaves, growing mosses , blue and brown waters and evergreen leaves, I got to travel the entire rainbow of the forest.

It's amazing how art and oil painting can really make you realize just how much color goes into things we normally think of as a single hue. Rocks are rarely grey, waters hardly ever blue and forests... I'm wondering now if I have ever seen a green one.

I just want to thank the world for offering me such appreciation for life and to everyone who supports my creative works. If it wasn't for you, I would have never learned to look deeply into life, and would have never found the sight to see what is uniquely my own view of the world. And even better, I get to share that all with everyone who wants to take a look of what I can do with that appreciation. Take a look, Bring it home and learn to see life in a way that is uniquely you.

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