Gaia Fine Art Insights – Clouds of Sparkling light

Gaia Fine Art Insights – Clouds of Sparkling light

Thoughts on Painting Atmospheric Effects and Light Reflection For today’s Gaia Fine Art Insights we will be reviewing the inspiration of “Clouds of Sparkling Light” oil painting in an impressionist style. (Click to purchase the Original Work). This...
Gaia Fine Art Insights – Jamaican Sunset – Oil on Board

Gaia Fine Art Insights – Jamaican Sunset – Oil on Board

Tutorial – Jamaican Sunset For today’s Gaia Fine Art Insights #1 we will be reviewing the creation of the “Jamaican Sunset” oil painting in an impressionist style. (Click to purchase the Original Work). There is something so magical about the...
You Don’t Study Art, You Slowly Become It

You Don’t Study Art, You Slowly Become It

I see artists asking it all the time…. How to study art, how much to study, when to study and so on. First of all, we all start there and stay there for a certain amount of time. But what we all eventually realize, in one way or another, is that we start to see,...
More Old Art Retired to the Vault

More Old Art Retired to the Vault

Ahh yes progress is nice, but it is so sad to see some old friends go. All the hours spent were not wasted though. Here is some old art retired to make room for new. Art is a fluid process much like a river and through time the pieces of our past go downstream paving...
Bond With Our Art

Bond With Our Art

We all know the bond with art, especially as creatives. It seems to form naturally between ourselves and our work. It can often lead to some stressful times when it comes to weeding out the old works of the past that don’t quite make it up to our current...