Print | Cliffside Ocean Skies | Sunset Landscape Oil Painting

Original framed canvas print by oil painter Andrew Gaia. The rainbow of blue, green, orange, yellow, red dance across this artwork as the sunset falls below the oceans horizon. The cliffside is remarkably colorful, only paling in comparison to the vibrancy of the sun dipping below the surface. A painting to help transport us to those special moments where we have absolutely nothing to do but enjoy what unfolds in front of your eyes. Perfect for any space.

Our canvas is made from a finely textured artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces image details with outstanding clarity and detail.

.: 100% Cotton fabric
.: Poplar wood frame
.: High image quality and detail
.: For indoor use


Andrew Gaia Cliffside Sunset Puerto Rico Oil Painting Landscape

Andrew Gaia Cliffside Sunset Puerto Rico Oil Painting Landscape

Enjoy the view from an isolated seaside cliff. Stepping out onto a seaside rocks and watching the sun peak through the clouds is always a heartwarming experience for me. And here, at that last moment before sundown, was a magical moment that had to be captured. A rainbow of colors found across the sky and the clear ocean waters mirrored that prism of color. Yet, they each held their own unique way of displaying it for onlookers to enjoy. This seascape piece reminds me how very lucky we are to live on planet so rich with life and beauty.

Painting this piece was so much fun to explore the variations of green and blues that played with one another in the sky and waters. Every brush stroke seemed to harbor its own world of color, yet it all worked so beautifully together. This piece perfectly shows why I love impressionism in art. It's like translating our eyes into their core function, then utilizing our own minds ability to blend those colors. This creates the most pleasant visuals you could imagine. Probably because, in a way, you are. And when you really connect with a piece, theirs no end to the amount of magic you can draw from it for your own life. May this ocean cliff side landscape piece, work that magic for you.

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