Caribbean Sunset Oil Painting | Impressionism Ocean Landscape | Print

Original framed canvas print by oil painter Andrew Gaia. An original ocean sunset depicting layers of blue, orange and yellow skies above the blue green Caribbean sea. Stunning clouds spark the imagination as our heart sits at peace on the beach, watching nature and light dance before us. Perfect painting to bring that feeling to any spot in your home.

Our canvas is made from a finely textured artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces image details with outstanding clarity and detail.

.: 100% Cotton fabric
.: Poplar wood frame
.: High image quality and detail
.: For indoor use


Curacao Sunset Impressionist Oil on Birch Board

Curacao Sunset Impressionist Oil on Birch Board

The original Caribbean Sunset – Curacao Oil Painting is inspired by the most spectacular trip to the Caribbean island of Curacao. What inspired this pieces creation was actually the fact that clouds looked like a baby dragon. I also loved the fact that the ocean sunset is always a beautiful display of oranges and blues, my favorite complimentary color combination. So I sat and captured this brief moment in time, from one of the most magical places in the Caribbean anyone could ever find. The end result, a deep ocean and expansive sky that pulls you out of the office and onto the beach, anytime you want.

We nearly popped a tire darting off the gravel road to capture this brilliant display of color and light. Sunsets have such a magical way of transporting us to amazing far away places, yet they can bring the same peace from our back yard.

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