Gecko Creature Illustration

Why Create a Gecko Creature Illustration? Everyone that I know of loves geckos. So why not create and evil one crawling over your headboard to hypnotize you? Sometimes creating works of art is just so fun, especially when you get to do mesmerizing evil gecko pets.

Being an artist is more then just updating and developing your technical skill or even the power of your visual voice. Not every thing needs to be over the top dramatic, even though that seems to be the norm these days. But you are a creator, or want to be….. So make what makes you smile, and in this case, it was a evil little gecko creature illustration.
Gaia_Gecko of Doom Creature Illustration

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Welcome to the creative home of Designer/Artist/Illustrator, Andrew Gaia. My goal has always been to Inspire the Impossible and to Make Fantastic Dreams Real. Thank you for allowing me to share my magic with you.. or how about we collaborate and create an inspired world together!