Art Evolution of The Beast


Today marks another day in the evolution of the beast, and life as an artist. As we develop we take a lot of the ideas and concepts of the past and totally smash them to pieces. But it is important not to throw those pieces away. Whether it is an old technique, idea or feeling we have evolved beyond, it is important to hold on to all those little bits and piece of information that we learned in creating them. The bricks of our foundation are made from the crumbled rock of the stones that came before it. We don’t discard what we have created, but rather, we use what we have learned before in a better more deliberate way to build a future for ourselves and our work.

Andrew Gaia Hunters Demise Evolution of the Beast

In this update I am again removing a piece that taught me so much and introducing a piece that has within it the essence of the old. The original was an homage to a story my father told when I was a small child. This first iteration in the Evolution of the Beast was about the struggle and ultimate demise. In this piece, both the hunter and the hunted pursuit one another to their ultimate deaths. It is now replaced by another form of “beast”. The almighty beast that is a woman with power and determination. A women who, in all realty, can be far more terrifying then a monstrous lion.


Fantasy Female Character Illustration Based on Real Life Photo Evolution of the Beast
Fantasy Female Character Illustration Based on Real Life Photo

While this second piece not seem to reflect the evolution of the beast in the way that one would normally think, it does so in the mind of an artist. As an artist you expand what could be, what is and what things can really mean to different people. This is especially so, the more you interact with different clients who all have different understandings of life.

So while my original thought of a beast, meant an actual beast. My later interpretation of the word expanded to include the subtle essence of what the word beast can mean. Artists are always expanding and evolving. Just remember to expand inward, as well as outward.

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Welcome to the creative home of Designer/Artist/Illustrator, Andrew Gaia. My goal has always been to Inspire the Impossible and to Make Fantastic Dreams Real. Thank you for allowing me to share my magic with you.. or how about we collaborate and create an inspired world together!